Friday, June 18, 2021

Panchanga - Vedic Calendar / Almanac

Panchanga is the Vedic calendar or almanac containing instances of time using five components namely Vaara, Tithi, Karana, Yoga and Nakshatra. The Sanskrit word Panchanga means "five parts". Panchanga is traditionally used for finding Muhurtha (an auspicious time) for doing specific activities or evaluating instances of time in general for success. Panchanga also includes information on planetary positions which are used by Astrologers to cast horoscopes. Calculations of the Panchanga components involve the positions of Sun and Moon and the brief description as follows:

1. Vaara is the Vedic day and it is between sunrise to next sunrise.

2. Tithi is a lunar day of the lunar month. A lunar month is the time taken by Moon to complete one cycle on the ecliptic. In other words, Moon starts from its new moon phase and passes through the half, full moon phases and wanes to the next new moon phase. A Tithi is complete when the ecliptic longitude differences of the Sun and Moon are in multiples of 12 degrees. For example, the first Tithi starts at new moon day when the Sun and Moon are together making a 0-degree longitude difference. The 2nd Tithi starts when the longitude difference reaches 12-degrees. The 3rd Tithi starts when the longitude difference reaches 24-degrees and so on. A Tithi is identified with its name and the fortnight - Shukla Paksha - brighter fortnight (due to waxing moon) and  Krishna Paksha - darker fortnight (due to waning moon). There are 15 Tithis in each fortnight making a total of 30 Tithis in a lunar month.

3. Karana is a half lunar day. Each Tithi is divided into 2 Karanas. In other words, A Karana is complete when the longitude difference of Sun and Moon are in multiples of 6-degrees. There are a total of 60 Karanas in the month. There are 11 unique Karanas and 4 of them occur once a month and the remaining 7 occur 8 times a month.

4. Yoga is formed when the sum of longitudes of the Sun and Moon are in multiples of 13 degrees and 20 minutes (13.33). There are a total of 27 Yogas in a month.

5. Nakshatra is the star constellation or lunar mansion of the Zodiac. Nakshatra is identified by the ecliptic longitude the Moon is transiting. There are a total of 27 Nakshatras.

The energy combination of the Sun and Moon reflects through the Panchanga components making certain components desirable for success and positive results and some components undesirable for certain activities. Panchanga components uniquely influence every human's life in general and individually according to the natal chart of the individual.

Natal Panchanga

Natal panchanga components are found in the natal or birth chart of the individual. Create your free Vedic astrology natal chart and find panchanga components of your time of birth.

Daily Panchanga

Daily panchanga components are calculated based on the transit positions of the Sun and Moon. Find the daily panchanga components here and utilize them for your benefit in various avenues of life.
