Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Vedic Astrology Chart Styles - North Indian, South Indian and East Indian

Vedic Astrology Chart pictorially shows the sidereal position of the planets in the sky using the Zodiac signs and House numbers. The first house is the zodiac sign which is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The first house is the Ascendant. The nine planets and the Ascendant are shown in 3 different chart formats - North Indian, South Indian, and East Indian. Vedic astrology charts can be made in any of the 3 formats. All 3 chart formats show the same sidereal planetary positions but in different ways so it is up to the comfort of the individual / astrologer to choose a chart format.

North Indian

  • The direction is counterclockwise (anti-clockwise)
  • The Houses always remain in the same place 
  • The Ascendant is always shown in the 12 O'clock position. The 2nd house is next counterclockwise at 11 O'clock position and it continues so on.
  • The Zodiac sign numbers are included to identify the Zodiac sign of a house
  • The Kendra / Quadrant houses - i.e. 1, 4, 7, 10 are inside the diamond shape counterclockwise 

  • North Indian Chart Style

    South Indian

  • The direction is clockwise
  • The Zodiac signs always remain in the same place
  • Aries will always be in the second box from the top left.  Taurus will be in the next box and remaining signs continue so on clockwise sequentially.
  • The Ascendant is indicated by a numeric sign or slanted line or the text "Asc" in a sign
  • The common / dual signs are always in the corners with the fixed signs behind and the moving / cardinal signs following

  • South Indian Chart Style


    East Indian

  • The direction is counterclockwise (anti-clockwise)
  • The Zodiac signs always remain in the same place
  • Aries will always be in the 12 O'clock position. Next signs move counterclockwise sequentially
  • The Ascendant is indicated by a numeric sign or the text "Asc" in a sign  

  • East Indian Chart Style


    Your Free Vedic Astrology Chart:

    Create your free Vedic Astrology Chart in any of the 3 chart styles and print or save it as a PDF document.

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