Monday, May 3, 2021

Creating Vedic Astrology Chart

Vedic Astrology Chart is a snapshot of planetary positions in the Zodiac at the time of birth where Earth is the place of the observer (geocentric). Casting the Vedic astrology chart accurately requires the time of birth (adjusted for daylight savings time (DST) if observed) and birthplace (as latitude and longitude coordinates). Time of birth is used to get the geocentric sidereal planetary positions and birthplace is used to get the Ascendant of the native.

Sample Vedic Astrology Chart

Typical Vedic astrology chart includes:

  • Planetary Positions
  • D1 Rasi Chart and D9 Navamsa Chart
  • Panchanga (Vedic Calendar)
  • Planetary Aspects
  • Planetary Conjunctions
  • Divisional Chart Images
  • Bhava Chart Images
  • Vimsottari Dasa Periods

Planetary Positions

The planetary position is simply the ecliptic longitude of the planets in degree decimals. Additional degree values like Zodiac degree and Nakshatra degree are derived from it. An Ephemeris is a table or data file giving the calculated positions of celestial objects at regular intervals throughout a period. Swiss Ephemeris is used programmatically to find the sidereal planetary positions of a given date & time.

D1 Rasi & D9 Navamsa Charts

D1 chart (Rasi chart) is the pictorial representation of planets and the Ascendant in their Zodiac signs whereas the D9 chart (Navamsa chart) is based on the 9th division of the 30 degrees Zodiac sign. Each division is 3 degrees and 20 minutes each and it is mapped to a Zodiac sign. Vedic charts are drawn in 3 different styles - North Indian, South Indian and East Indian. All chart styles display the same information but in different formats.

Chart Styles

Panchanga (Vedic Calendar)

Panchanga means five Angas or parts. The five parts of the Vedic calendar are viz. Vaara, Thithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana. The Vedic astrology chart includes Panchanga information of the time of birth.

Natal Panchanga

Planetary Aspects

In Astrology the Aspect is an angle the planets make with each other. Aspects make a planet influence the other planet with its inherent energy. A table of planetary aspects is included to quantify how planets form aspects with each other. An orb of 0 to 15 degrees are usually considered for Aspects. For example, a planet will influence another planet at its opposite in the range of 165 to 195 degrees (considering 0 to 15 degrees on both sides).


Planetary Conjunctions

Planetary conjunctions are planets conjoining with each other within 0 to 10 degrees usually. When planets are in close conjunction their energies blend and influence each other. Conjunctions are an important part of a Vedic chart and a table is included quantifying the level of conjunctions between planets.


Divisional Charts

Divisional (Varga) charts show insights into the different avenues of the native's life. The calculation behind each divisional chart is unique and it reveals specific areas of the native's life. 18 divisional charts are currently included in the Vedic astrology chart.

Divisional Table

Divisional table is the summary of planets and their positions across various divisional charts. For example, to check the Ascendant of the native across different divisional charts the first row of below image is very helpful.

Divisional Table

Bhava Charts

Zodiac signs have a fixed degree range for each sign. For example, Aries is from 0 to 30 degrees and Pisces is from 330 to 360 degrees. In the Bhava chart, the degree range of each house will vary relative to the Ascendant degree. For example, If a native is Gemini Ascendant and the Ascendant is at 15 degrees in Gemini then the 1st house degrees will range from 15 degrees Gemini to 15 degrees Cancer if Ascendant degree is taken as the beginning of the house. Another type of bhava chart uses the Ascendant degree as the middle of the house. These 2 types of bhava charts are included in the Vedic astrology chart. Bhava chart is primarily used along with the Vimsottari Dasa periods to find which house is influenced by a planet during its Vimsottari Dasa period.

Vimsottari Dasa Periods

Vimsottari means 120. Vimsottari Dasa has a span of 120 years to influence human life. It starts at the birth time based on the Nakshatra the Moon was transiting. Each planet has a defined period of years to influence the native positively or negatively depends on the planets' energies at play. Calculation of Vimsottari Dasa periods involves recursively splitting the time period into smaller sub Dasa periods in a specific order of the planets.

Vimsottari Dasa Table

Your Free Vedic Astrology Chart:

Create your free Vedic Astrology Chart and print or save it as a PDF document. Also, Find sidereal Planetary Positions at different times interactively changing date / time / location.


  1. What is Bhukti?

    1. Bhukti is Antardasa.

      Dasa = Mahadasa
      Bhukti = Antardasa
      Antara = Pratyantara dasa
