Friday, May 7, 2021

Vimsottari Dasa - Vedic Astrology

Vimsottari means 120. The Vimsottari Dasa system influences human life through 120 years long period. The 120 years are recursively divided into 9 planetary periods of particular length and order for each of the 9 planets. Each planet influences the native positively or negatively during its planetary period depending on various factors from the birth chart - the house it occupies, the house it rules, its strength (Positional, Directional), its dispositor’s strength, and influences from other planets (Aspects, Conjunctions).

The 120 years are divided into 9 major planetary periods called Dasa or Mahadasa by allocating a proportion of the total 120 years to each planet. Each Dasa period is further divided into 9 sub-periods called Bhukti or Antardasa and each Bhukti period is further divided into 9 sub-periods called Antara or Pratyantaradasa using the same proportion or ratio (of years allocated as the Dasa period).

There are 27 Nakshatras (Lunar Mansions) beginning with Ashwini and ending with Revati. Each of the nine planets presides over a set of three nakshatras situated on the zodiac at a trine from each other. For example, Ketu is the nakshatra lord for Ashwini, Magha, Mula and Venus is the nakshatra lord for Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashadha. The first dasa period (Janma Dasa) always starts with the lord of the nakshatra the moon was transiting at the time of birth (Janma Nakshatra). If the native was born in Ashwini nakshatra then Ketu dasa / mahadasa will be the first dasa period. The order and duration of the dasas are shown in the following table:

Vimsottari Dasa

Each nakshatra is 13 degrees and 20 minutes (13.33-degree decimals) long. If a native is born when the moon transits over 80 degrees ecliptic longitude then the birth nakshatra (Janma Nakshatra) of the native is Punarvasu and Jupiter dasa (mahadasa) just started for that individual because Punarvasu nakshatra is between 80.00 to 93.33 degrees longitude and Jupiter is the nakshatra lord. The native will go through the full 16 years of Jupiter mahadasa until reaching age 17. But everybody is not born exactly when the moon transits the beginning longitude of a nakshatra. We need to find the start, balance and end of the birth dasa period to calculate the following dasa period start dates. The Dasa balance is calculated based on the longitude of the Moon at the time of birth (in the birth Nakshatra).

Example Calculation:

longitude moon = Moon is at 85 degrees 20 minutes (85.33) in Punarvasu 2nd Pada.

longitude Nakshatra start = 80.00

longitude Nakshatra end = 93.33

The dasa balance can be calculated as:

dasa balance = ( 85.33 - 80.00 ) / (93.33 - 80.00 )

dasa balance = ( 5.33 ) / (13.33)

dasa balance = 0.40 (40%)

40% of Jupiter dasa (6 years 4 months 26 days) has already passed (before the birth) and the native has 60% Jupiter dasa (9 years 7 months 7 days) remaining since the time of birth.

At the end of the Jupiter dasa subsequent dasa planetary periods will follow in the specific order shown in the above table.

Your Vimsottari Dasa Calculation:

Create your free Vedic Astrology Chart and find your Vimsotari Dasa periods as shown in the sample image below.

Vimsottari Dasa Periods
Sample Vimsottari Dasa Periods

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